Call for Submissions for Special Thematic Section on “Social Psychologies of Chronicity and Care in African Contexts”

JSPP seeks submission of research papers that provide new and critical insights into the social psychologies of chronicity and care in continental, diaspora and transnational African settings.

Guest Editors: Ama de-Graft Aikins (University College London, UK), Catherine Campbell (London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), UK), Ernestina Coast (LSE), Lilian Lem Atanga (University of Bamenda, Cameroon), Anthea Lesch (Stellenbosch University, South Africa)

In African settings, as elsewhere, chronic conditions disrupt and transform the lives of sufferers, carers and families in complex and unpredictable ways, and restructure the capabilities of communities and health systems.

However research in this field is dominated by cross-sectional and descriptive case studies, which under-examine and under-theorise the complex trajectories of chronic illness experiences, and culturally situated understandings of chronicity and care across African communities. 

Furthermore, while many studies use psychological concepts in empirical analyses, they focus on mainstream socio-cognitive theories, such as the health belief model.  Critical social psychology approaches focus on the interface between individual and society as the unit of analysis, and force simultaneous nuanced examination of the power of society, culture and institutions and the agency of individuals and communities. 

We seek contributions within a critical social psychology framework that provide new and critical insights into chronicity and care in continental, diaspora and transnational African settings, and can inform urgently needed innovations in intervention and policy.

More information at

Enquiries to be sent to Professor Ama de-Graft Aikins at Emails should be titled “JSPP Social Psychologies of Chronicity and Care”

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